Sean Swentek, A Walk On Water's Vice President, shares the organization's mission/vision of providing Surf Therapy to individuals with special needs.
American Philanthropy host Shawn Wehan educates, entertains and inspires listeners regarding the history and current developments of special needs philanthropy.
Contact: Shawn Wehan
Further insights include story snippets involving the background history of Special Olympics, Fish For Life and the well as further background from the Almanac of American Philanthropy.
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On Thanksgiving Day 2014, Tracy Stayton embarked on an adventure around the world to perform 34 service projects; giving back to others unconditionally and truly feeling 34tunate! Upon return, her inspiring experience has led her to begin the 4tunate Movement.
American Philanthropy host Shawn Wehan and co-host Lindsey Burris, tackle the challenging questions with Tracy as to what it was like to leave everything behind, spend a year abroad and return after pursuing service work around the world...expecting nothing in return.
Contact: Shawn Wehan
Further insights include story snippets involving the background history of overseas philanthropy, the inspiration behind the Peace Corps, the charity A Long Way Home and background from the Almanac of American Philanthropy.
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Innovative Philanthropist Lindsey Burris and American Philanthropy host Shawn Wehan discuss two growing genres of philanthropy: prize and venture. Nonprofits such as the XPRIZE Foundation and GenNext Foundation are creating significant change and societal benefit by approaching philanthropy from the vantage point of innovation. Lindsey instructs and shares her personal experience as Development Director and Executive Director of two of America's top impacting organizations, as well as her next steps in advancing philanthropy.
Further insights include story snippets involving the background history of prize and venture philanthropy, the nonprofit charity:water and Scott Harrison, futurist Peter Diamandis, GenNext CEO Michael Davidson and background from the Almanac of American Philanthropy.
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